Gestational dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, gas – Combinations

Generally made as a tea but can be made into a glycetracta.  Gentle for easing trapped gas by re-coordinating peristalsis and aiding digestion.


[ { "Name": "Adaptogen Combo", "Description": " <p>Chronic Adaptogen Combo</p> <p>This is a gentle formula that is safe to use in tonic doses long term. &nbsp;Useful in athletes or chronic stress situations</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1111" , "1127" , "1195" , "1137" , "1625" , "1151" ], "Other":"Tarax Radix, Reishi", "NotAvailable":"", "OutOfStock":"", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Adult Cold & Flu Elixer", "Description": " <p>In the case of wild blackberry, chokecherry and elderberry syrup, organic honey, kosher glycerine and distilled water.</p> <p>5ml QID in Hot water and lemon and honey if desired. Cover up and allow diaphoresis. Keep away from drafts.</p> <p>Contraindication - known bee product allergies, floral allergies.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1213" , "1121" , "1177" , "1157" , "1693" , "1173" , "1158" , "1141" , "1142" , "2520" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Adult/Child Cold & Flu Elixer", "Description": " <p>Take 5-10ml in hot tea up to QID. Cover up and allow for diaphoresis and increased fluid intake.</p> <p>Child use dose chart.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1213" , "1693" , "1142" , "1173" , "1102" , "1616" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "After Pain-antispasmodic Formula", "Description": " <p><strong>Dose</strong>:&nbsp; 5 ml every 3&nbsp; hours as needed</p> <p>Coordinates cramping while maintaining fundus tightness and reducing bleeding very effective directly post-partum. May also be used for dysmenorrhea.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1190" , "1218" , "1102" , "1119" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"", "OutOfStock":"", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Allergy/Bee/Bug/Snakebite relief", "Description": " <p>A poweful antihistamine formula designed to address quick responce pathways for liver support and lymphatic removal of toxins as well as itch relief and circulatory support.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1186" , "1198" , "1204" , "1148" , "2542" , "1108" , "1150" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Antistyptic", "Description": " <p><strong>Dose</strong>: Take 5 ml. in a small amount of water 4 times a day in between meals.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Excellent facilitator for heavy menses or early post-partum prevention of excessive bleeding</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1119" , "1623" , "1102" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"", "OutOfStock":"", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Astragulus - Adaptogen Combo", "Description": "", "Herbs": [ "1111" , "1127" , "1195" , "1204" , "1137" , "1167" , "1151" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"", "OutOfStock":"", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Astringent PLUS (Dysentery-Relief)", "Description": "", "Herbs": [ "1216" , "1214" , "1105" ], "Other":"Green tea, Tormentil", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Blood Builder/Nutritive", "Description": "<p>1 teaspoonful or 5 ml in a small amount of water three times daily before eating</p> <p>This formula assists the body in rebuilding the constitution after severe stress or debillitation; high in iron and vital minerals and posseses lymphatic influence to assist the draining of morbid matter from the system. </p> <p>Caution for those with thyroid issues due to the added sea kelp and bladderwrack content</p>", "Herbs": [ "1191" , "1212" , "1113" , "1623" , "1694" , "1204" , "1148" ], "Other":"also ascophyllum nodosa and focus for added mineral strength", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ {"Unit Type":"1000 ml", "Unit Price":130.00, "Sale Price":, "Sale Month":""} , {"Unit Type":"500 ml", "Unit Price":68.00, "Sale Price":, "Sale Month":""} ] }, { "Name": "Bowel Regulator", "Description": " <p>A gentle yet effective bowel cleanser and assist in resetting bowel regulartion. Excellent to use with or without bitters.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "2533" , "1191" , "1204" , "2535" , "1225" , "1126" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Cardiac Nervine", "Description": "<p><strong>Description:</strong> May use alone or in conjuction with other items where anxiety has settled into the chest area causing palpitations, increased pulse, tight chest or neck/shoulder muscles with accompanying insomnia.</p>", "Herbs": [ "1141" , "1166" , "1181" , "1215" , "1207" , "1127" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Children's Nervine", "Description": " <p>Dose: Use childrens dose chart.</p> <p>Excellent for use during an illness where agitation is an issue especially at night. &nbsp;May request as a glycerin. &nbsp;This remedy also eases gastrointestinal complaints while the calming and relaxing effect benefits both mom and child.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1171" , "1141" , "1176" , "1172" , "1694" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Children's Teething Nervine", "Description": "<p>Excellent remedy for teething children who are suffering from agitation and feverish conditions along with the teething experience.  Very safe and gentle remedy.</p>", "Herbs": [ "1141" , "1145" , "1157" , "1171" , "1176" , "1172" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Clear Flow", "Description": "", "Herbs": [ "1213" , "1619" , "1109" , "1224" , "1219" , "1105" , "1162" , "1200" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ {"Unit Type":"1000 ml", "Unit Price":118.00, "Sale Price":95.00, "Sale Month":""} , {"Unit Type":"500 ml", "Unit Price":65.00, "Sale Price":50.00, "Sale Month":"79"} ] }, { "Name": "Dry Hack - Cough Syrup", "Description": " <p>This ENT formula is soothing for a dry hack or tickle. &nbsp;Verbascum &nbsp; is a relaxing and stimulating expectorant providing soothing influence so that the lungs can relax long enough to collect a worthwhile productive expectoration. &nbsp;Inula and Populus are soothing and contribute to the productive cough. &nbsp;Lobelia provides a much needed spasmolytic to prevent coughing fatigue. &nbsp;Mryhh is very antiseptic and promotes quick phagocytosis for a speedy recovery.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "2551" , "1693" , "1158" , "1159" , "1620" , "1216" , "1131" , "2552" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Easy Does It Anodyne", "Description": "", "Herbs": [ "1163" , "1141" , "1185" , "1145" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"", "OutOfStock":"", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Easy-Does-It ANODYNES", "Description": "<p><strong>Description:</strong> A powerful anodyne with added spasmolytic properties in addition to pain relief. It provides significant nervine efects facilitating a restful sleep. </p> <p><strong>Note:</strong> Caution with operating machinery</p> <p> </p>", "Herbs": [ "1163" , "1141" , "1185" , "1145" , "1215" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Endrocrine enhance", "Description": "", "Herbs": [ "2531" , "1178" , "1179" , "1180" , "1638" , "1106" , "1209" , "1113" , "1151" , "1195" , "1126" , "1644" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "ENT - Upper resp. sinus", "Description": " <p>An excellent formulation designed for ENT and upper resp. catarrhal, significant antibiotic and antimicrobial herbs are included along with lymphaticdrainage support.</p> <p>Use for sinus infections, head colds, upper chest issues.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1693" , "1158" , "1148" , "1156" , "1619" , "1114" , "1213" , "1105" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ {"Unit Type":"1000 ml", "Unit Price":118.00, "Sale Price":85.00, "Sale Month":"79"} ] }, { "Name": "Female Balance", "Description": " <p>A wonderfuly balanced influence for permenopausal/menopausal issues. Mild yet quick in its presentation of relief.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1125" , "1220" , "1190" , "1198" , "1192" , "1130" , "1122" , "1135" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"", "OutOfStock":"", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Female Fertility Tonic", "Description": "", "Herbs": [ "1127" , "1137" , "1111" , "1106" , "1122" , "1135" , "1220" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Feminine Cool Running", "Description": " <p>This formula more specifically addresses hot flashes with heated liver. Milk thistle and Schizandra each address phase I and phase II liver detox to facilitate liver cooling</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1125" , "1122" , "1220" , "1192" , "1198" , "1137" , "1690" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ {"Unit Type":"500 ml", "Unit Price":65.00, "Sale Price":50.00, "Sale Month":"79"} ] }, { "Name": "Feminine spasmolytic", "Description": " <p>An excellent spasmolytic for any reason...difficult menses or for discomfort after childbirth. &nbsp;This remedy coordinates cramps while maintaining fundal firmness while reducing any excess bleeding.</p> <p>Use with the anti-syptic for homebirth or higher risk of bleeding. &nbsp;Also useful for excessive menstrual bleeding.</p> <p>This remedy and other pregnancy related remedies are also found in the perinatal section of this website. &nbsp;Tinctures and glycetractas are standard pricing. &nbsp;Please email for costing for the various tea remedies.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1102" , "1190" , "1119" , "1219" , "1218" ], "Other":"Salix alba", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "First Responder", "Description": " <p>A great remedy for early start of viral and/or bacterial/microbial invasion. &nbsp;Stimulation of phagocytosis and general immunity for the task at hand due to the strong influence of antimicrobials, including those for virus and bacteriae.</p> <p>Due to the recent request for honey inclusion we have included it only for an adult version of this remedy. &nbsp;If you plan to use for children please ask for the non honey version for those under 2 years of age.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1136" , "1168" , "1169" , "1177" , "1213" , "2520" , "1131" , "1225" , "1121" ], "Other":"In a base of Wild Chokecherry, wild elderberry syrup and glycerin", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Gentle vitality", "Description": " <p>Mildly stimulating with a gentle lift of the adrenal glands. Soft for the elderly, cardio sensitive and older children.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1127" , "1137" , "1113" , "1188" , "1189" , "1195" , "1222" , "1687" , "1198" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Gestational dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, gas", "Description": " <p>Generally made as a tea but can be made into a glycetracta. &nbsp;Gentle for easing trapped gas by re-coordinating peristalsis and aiding digestion.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1105" , "1145" , "1695" , "1616" , "1190" , "1171" , "1225" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Glucose Assist", "Description": " <p>Citrus auranti, gymnema, fennugreek and cinnamon have long been known for their blood sugar facilitating properties. &nbsp;Cayenne is currently being researched for its generating power inside the pancreas influencing positive glucose utilization</p> <p>This helps improve glucose utilization and sensitivity. Monitor CBG's while on this formula.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1126" , "1153" , "1644" , "1112" , "2542" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ {"Unit Type":"500 ml", "Unit Price":65.00, "Sale Price":45.00, "Sale Month":"79"} ] }, { "Name": "Hawthorn Heart Tonic", "Description": " <p>Excellent nutritive for cardiovascular system as well as being rich in various antioxidants to provide vascular wall support. &nbsp;This tonic is also a specific for varicosities in the legs or hemorrhoids, providing quick relief and strengthening qualities.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1132" , "1214" , "1150" , "1177" , "1103" , "1102" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"", "OutOfStock":"", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Hearts-ease Nervine", "Description": " <p>A gentle influence to help relieve cardiac palpitations related to nervous anxiety or long standing stress. &nbsp;Hawthorn is also a very powerful cardiac nutritive loaded with antioxidants and aides in relaxing the vascular walls and thus helping to reduce blood pressure</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1166" , "1181" , "1141" , "1132" , "1207" , "1215" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"", "OutOfStock":"", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Hoxsey Tonic", "Description": " <p>Hoxsey tonic is over 100 years old and created quite a stir in the late 19th century by a simple farmer Mr. Hoxsey who post civil war had a work horse take ill with tumors and lumps and he observed how this horse ate in the pasture migrating toward natural weeds and cured itself. &nbsp;So Hoxsey documented the herbs and tried this formulation he made from this experience on neighbours and more and birthed a new way to deal with cancer and hormonally charged cancers. &nbsp;He kept the formula secret and passed it to his son and grandson who took the remedy much further in the 1930's and forward. &nbsp;He healed thousaqnds with his Hoxsey tonic and lifestyle changes and had documentation of many thousands of cases that were cured. &nbsp;He was challenged by the medical community in Texas and then the entire USA. &nbsp;He was charged and jailed numerous times and took his case to the supreme court of the United States and won.....he even healed members of the American Medical Association who then crossed over to the alternative side. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>It was so successful that the drug companies tried very hard to buy his formula but because he refused to allow the drug companies full control over the, &nbsp;Hoxsey wanted the formulation acssessible to the poor and not just for those with money...the deal fell through and he refused them the recipe....</p> <p>But in the end the government closed his clinics across America due to erroneous laws via the FDA so he took his clinic to Mexico where it still resides today. &nbsp;The remedy has been slandered into the rank of controversial therapy...Even so, it still carries a reputation for assisting in the complicated web of cancer treatment. &nbsp;Since Hoxsey clinics have moved into Mexico about 30 years ago there have been hundreds if not thousands of new chemicals and pollutants added to our environment and food supply adding new complications to attaining, retaining and reclaiming our health. &nbsp;</p> <p>The formula is now out and so the general public can benefit if they choose to and can find a source. &nbsp;LHC is pleased to provide this formula for its practitioners. &nbsp;Feel free to ask questions about it and its general use. &nbsp;This tonic is generally for hormonally charged cancers particularly breast cancer. &nbsp; Mr. Hoxsey died of Prostate cancer while using Hoxsey tonic realizing that it did not encompass the entirety of the broader spectrum of disorders that cancers has engaged.</p> <p>Hoxsey can be safely used alone if the client desires along with pristine vegan diet with juicing &nbsp;and superfood therapy and other treatments as desired with health practitioner support. &nbsp;It can also be used before, during and after chemotherapy as a facilitator of internal support and side effect diversion. &nbsp;Note that a brief interruption of Hoxsey a few days after certain chemo drugs may be required to allow for full effect of the treatment. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> ", "Herbs": [ "2533" , "1108" , "1653" , "1208" , "1687" , "1184" , "1151" , "1164" , "1146" , "1123" ], "Other":"Stillingia sylvatica/Queen's root", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "HRT - Tincture", "Description": " <p>This formula more specifically addresses hot flashes with heated liver.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1124" , "1122" , "1220" , "1192" , "1151" , "1198" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Immuno-activate", "Description": " <p>Immuno-activate is a great uplift for a deficient constitution; convalescence or entering an illness process. &nbsp;Possessing antiviral, antibacterial, antibiotic and antifungal properties while influencing phagocytosis and general immune stimulation.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1136" , "1167" , "1142" , "1111" , "1158" , "1151" , "1131" , "1195" , "2527" , "2520" ], "Other":"Shitake, Reishi, Chagga mix", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Immuno-modulate", "Description": " <p>An adaptogenic immune modulating formula addressing the principles of gut immunity/HPA axis and general endocrine co-relationships without overstimulation. &nbsp;Provides a deep nourishment of the adrenal system to enable &nbsp;vital force activity. &nbsp;Beneficial for auto-immune disorders</p> <p>Usual dosing at 5ml BID or TID</p> <p>Excessive doses with other CNS stimulants may raise blood pressure</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1111" , "1117" , "1127" , "1178" , "1180" , "1179" , "1137" , "1211" , "1195" ], "Other":"Chagga/Shitake/Reishi mix", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Iron Up", "Description": " <p>5 ml up to TID before meal</p> <p>A useful article for the facilitation of increasing iron stores; easily bioavailable with minimal &nbsp;side effects. &nbsp;Also safe for gestational related iron depletion. &nbsp;Can be taken as a tincture or glycerin.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1191" , "1204" , "1212" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ {"Unit Type":"1000 ml", "Unit Price":118.00, "Sale Price":90.00, "Sale Month":"79"} , {"Unit Type":"500 ml", "Unit Price":65.00, "Sale Price":50.00, "Sale Month":"79"} ] }, { "Name": "Lipid Health", "Description": " <p>Influencing the reduction of cholesterol, triglycerides; facilitating&nbsp;In the&nbsp; reduction of arterial plaque formation along with adjustments necessary in diet to address insulin resistance control and lifestyle management &nbsp;</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1177" , "1644" , "1153" , "1147" , "1133" , "1623" , "1178" , "1115" , "1198" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"", "OutOfStock":"", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Liver Cleanse", "Description": "", "Herbs": [ "1191" , "1204" , "1134" , "1148" , "1108" , "1212" , "1208" , "1607" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Male Fertility Tonic", "Description": "", "Herbs": [ "1197" , "1214" , "1150" , "1178" , "1113" , "1120" , "1638" , "1220" , "1126" , "2531" , "1153" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Male Response Enhancer Tonic", "Description": " <p><strong>Caution</strong>: in individuals with thyroid disorders, particularly autoimmune type and low sodium diets, Maca root is rich in iodine and may aggravate goiter in susceptible pts.</p> <p>A formula to nourish the male glandulars providing an androgenic and aphrodisiac influence</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1638" , "1120" , "1209" , "1113" , "1178" , "1175" ], "Other":"Tribulis silvesteris", "NotAvailable":"", "OutOfStock":"", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Mother's Cordial", "Description": "", "Herbs": [ "1174" , "1130" , "1125" , "1122" , "1218" ], "Other":"In a base of Wild Chokecherry, Elderberry, Organic honey", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ {"Unit Type":"1000 ml", "Unit Price":118.00, "Sale Price":90.00, "Sale Month":"79"} ] }, { "Name": "Mother's Cordial", "Description": " <p>This is an age old birthing remedy used by various practitioners from many backgrounds. &nbsp;Typically used in the last 6 weeks of pregnancy to prepare the reproductive system for birth.</p> <p>This remedy and other pregnancy related formulas are also found in the perinatal section of this website. &nbsp;Prices are standardized for glycerins and tinctures. &nbsp;Please call or email for custom blends and costing for those formulas not price listed.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1125" , "1130" , "1122" , "1174" , "1218" , "1219" ], "Other":"In a base of Wild elderberry and wild chokecherry and organic raw honey", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Old Fashioned Bitters", "Description": "<p><strong>Description:</strong> An old fashioned bitters that stimulates liver and gastric juices.  The bitter taste is triggered in the mouth by holding on to the tincture a few seconds so that appropriate vagal stimulation is enhanced.  Bitters also influence peristalsis and can be used for constipation where liver stasis occurs.  It also improves liver and digestive function.</p>", "Herbs": [ "1112" , "1115" , "2517" , "1149" , "1156" , "1204" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Pro-Sleep", "Description": " <p>A moderate sleep formula for occasional stubborn sleeplessness with accompanying busy mind, tense muscle syndrome. Start with 5 ml at bedtime and may repeat one hour later if needed and one more time 4 hours later. &nbsp;Try not to consume after 0300 as you may feel drowsey following day. &nbsp;May increase dose to 10 ml per dose if tolerated well</p> <p>Add piscidia if needed for added nocturnal pain</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>If client has stubborn and/ or acute insomnia....use this formula along with Pure Insomniac</p> <p>5 ml of each at bedtime and repeat &nbsp;Pro-sleep only one hour if needed and again in 4 hours if needed ...all before 0300 hours...</p> <p>If client tolerates this remedy well and still needs more then increase the Pro-sleep only by 5 ml per dose. &nbsp;You may need to give Pure Insomniac for up to 4-6 weeks on a regular basis &nbsp;( 5 ml TID )in order to &nbsp;ameliorate neurotransmitters and down regulate nocturnal cortisol .....along with other sleep hygeine considerations</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1141" , "1215" , "1181" , "1163" , "1196" ], "Other":"Kava", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Pro-sleep for pregnancy", "Description": " <p>A wonderful remedy for mom to be for occasional sleeplessness. &nbsp;This can be made in tincture or glycetracta or in tea form. &nbsp;Gentle yet effective to relax the mind and provide easy yet gentle sedation towards sleep.</p> <p>This and other pregnancy formulations are in the perinatal catalogue section of this website.</p> <p>Tinctures and glycetractas are standardized pricing and please email for costing for various teas.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1171" , "1172" , "1196" , "1215" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Prost-Assist", "Description": " <p>Excellent nutritive and aid to influence preventative health and maintain patency may also use for prostatitis.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1197" , "1212" , "1109" , "1200" , "1124" , "1199" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ {"Unit Type":"500ml", "Unit Price":65.00, "Sale Price":50.00, "Sale Month":"83"} , {"Unit Type":"1000ml", "Unit Price":118.00, "Sale Price":90.00, "Sale Month":"83"} ] }, { "Name": "Pure Insomniac", "Description": " <p>A more potent sleep formula. Geared to ameliorate stress, hormones and promote sleep.</p> <p>Tian Qi is an ancient TCM remedy known for many uses and has more recently been promoted for insomnia relief. Add a significant calcium complex to increase relaxation.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1179" , "1117" , "1222" , "1198" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Relaxing Adaptogenic Nervine", "Description": " <p>A useful remedy for chronic fatigue and stress disorders that also have added anxiety.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1113" , "1120" , "1127" , "1189" , "1166" , "1187" , "1137" ], "Other":"Eleuth", "NotAvailable":"", "OutOfStock":"", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Restless Leg Relief", "Description": " <p>Use this formula along with increased nutrients such as: Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin E, Folic Acid, Potassium rich foods, decreased stimulants.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1181" , "1215" , "1125" , "1218" , "1219" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Rheumatic-relief", "Description": " <p>The many facets of this condition are targeted by this formula.&nbsp; Utilize immune&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; modulators, supplements, nutritional support. &nbsp;Also address food and environmental intolerances and to complete this profile lifestyle&nbsp; adjustments.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1145" , "1125" , "1107" , "1193" , "1102" , "1204" , "1157" , "1223" , "1225" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"", "OutOfStock":"", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Skin Affliction", "Description": " <p>An excellent remedy for weeping, itching inflammed or dry skin affections. Along with dietary testing, EFAs supplimentation, a very successful remedy.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1148" , "1212" , "1208" , "1198" , "1108" , "1156" , "1698" , "1216" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"", "OutOfStock":"", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Soothing Gastric Demulcent", "Description": " <p>Excellent for H-Pylori microbes &nbsp;May use Slippery Elm gruel &nbsp;for symptomatic burning in stomach along with frequent sips of stomachic tea. &nbsp;(See Tea remedies section)</p> <p>May order Slippery Elm powder from bulk herbs section</p> <p>Rice crachers, white rice, bananas and tea is also soothing for gastric episodes</p> ", "Herbs": [ "2534" , "1118" , "1151" , "1156" , "1145" , "1173" , "1216" , "1225" , "1105" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Spasmodic Pectoral Relief", "Description": " <p>An excellent formula for wet or dry coughing with soothing qualities and relaxing expectants providing a more productive cough. Also contains antibodies for gram positive bacteria and general anti septics and decongestants.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1121" , "1213" , "1156" , "1159" , "1186" , "1105" , "1216" , "1114" , "1619" , "1151" , "2552" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Standard Nervine", "Description": " <p>This remedy is a wonderful article for sleeplessness, busy mind, and issues of the heart. &nbsp;Great for high stress where the mind becomes overactive and where grief is an element</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1215" , "1196" , "1181" , "1166" , "1207" , "1198" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ {"Unit Type":"1 litre", "Unit Price":118.00, "Sale Price":95.00, "Sale Month":"82"} , {"Unit Type":"500ml", "Unit Price":65.00, "Sale Price":50.00, "Sale Month":"82"} ] }, { "Name": "Stomachic Flu Relief", "Description": "", "Herbs": [ "1693" , "1173" , "1694" , "1216" , "1151" , "1105" , "1695" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"", "OutOfStock":"", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Strep Thoart", "Description": "<p>Desrciption: Full spectrum antimicrobial. Adrresses bacteria and also facilitates yeast overgrowth while providing hepatic support. Demulcent herbs help soothe with anodynes the painful tissue. </p> <p> </p> <p>Instructions: Use alone.</p>", "Herbs": [ "1156" , "1619" , "2520" , "1131" , "1213" , "1158" , "1216" , "1105" ], "Other":"Elder-syrup, Cryptolepis, Andrographis paniculata", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Strong vitality", "Description": " <p>An excellent remedy for severe exhaustion and convalescence in the early stages. A quick acting adaptogen with strong influence may disturb cardio sensitive individuals.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1178" , "1180" , "1111" , "1113" , "1151" , "1198" , "1137" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Thyroid – Assist Glandular Nutritive", "Description": "<p><strong>Description: </strong>Influences the activation of existing thyroid tissue with the specific nutritive value of the botanical properties contributing to healthy thyroid function.</p> <p><strong>Dose</strong>:  5 ml TID in water</p> <p>Do not use in suspect hyperthyroid states or with present thyroid medications. Not applicable where thyroid is non-existent.</p>", "Herbs": [ "1113" , "1146" , "1110" , "1638" , "1657" , "1222" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Thyroid ease/Metabolic calm", "Description": "", "Herbs": [ "1170" , "1166" , "1172" , "1132" , "1181" , "1215" , "1638" , "1207" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Triple Berberine Bowel Equalizer", "Description": "", "Herbs": [ "1156" , "1115" , "2533" , "1191" , "1225" , "1690" , "1126" , "1202" , "1695" , "1616" ], "Other":"Berberis aquafolium", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Urinary Clearance Tonic", "Description": " <p>*Do not take while pregnant or lactating*</p> <p>Facilitates kidney function where weakness in filtration is a concern.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1204" , "1200" , "1109" , "1143" , "1148" , "1212" , "1186" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Vascular relax", "Description": "", "Herbs": [ "1166" , "1132" , "1204" , "1221" , "1148" , "1178" , "1177" , "1687" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, { "Name": "Weight loss facilitator", "Description": " <p>Dose: &nbsp;1/2 to 1 teaspoon before each meal. &nbsp;Will improve blood sugar utilization. &nbsp;Diabetics need to monitor CBG's. &nbsp;Make sure you snack.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Green tea gives this formula the metabolic boost it needs without excessive stimulation. &nbsp;Safe for those with stimulant sensitivities. &nbsp;Berberis improves liver patrol while gymnema helps suppress appetite. &nbsp;Gymnema, galega aurantii amari and cinnamon improve blood sugar while fucus and kelp improve the mineral profile in the body and thus reduce cravings and assit in body detox.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "2542" , "1147" , "1146" , "1153" , "1112" , "1126" , "1110" , "1115" ], "Other":"Organic Oolong Green tea", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ {"Unit Type":"1000 ml", "Unit Price":118.00, "Sale Price":90.00, "Sale Month":"79"} ] }, { "Name": "X-Treme Throat", "Description": " <p>Take with easy does it.</p> ", "Herbs": [ "1121" , "1158" , "1177" , "1213" , "1151" , "2520" , "1168" , "1169" , "1216" ], "Other":"", "NotAvailable":"0", "OutOfStock":"0", "PriceOverride":[ ] }, ]

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